free website health check

Is your website loading slowly? Or is it looking tired, out of date or you are worried about its security? That is where our free website health check is here to help you!

We are really excited to bring back our website health checks! Our MD has over 20 years of experience and she and the team here at Poppy love putting together our website reports for you.

Our reports are created manually by looking at your website. They take. on average, 3 working days to create. Please give us a little longer at our busiest times (remember, we are only a team of 7)

Included as standard:  Speed, design elements, and security – We write the report with no technobabble but there may be some terms in the report that get a little complicated and we will try and explain it all so it’s easy for you to understand!

Our reports are here to help you understand what is going on with your website, so you can go back to your designer and get the work done that you need done or come to us to get the help you need!

Fill in the form below to get your free report today!

Free Website Health Check

get your report here:

what people say about us


Marie was honest with us, she didn’t try and fluff it up which really helped us. Her report really helped us.

5 star rating

The review helped us identify the security issues we were having, thank you so much. Our website is now performing so well. 

5 star rating

We finally found the plugin that was causing us issues on our website, thankyou! We have also moved our hosting to PDS!

5 star rating
Free Website Health Check
Trusted by 100’s of businesses, charities and organisations





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